[IPython-user] Re: [IPython-dev] Patch for paren completion glitch

Ville Vainio vivainio at kolumbus.fi
Sun Jul 25 04:52:20 EDT 2004

Fernando Perez wrote:

> Cool.  I'll wait for your patch.  So the escapes string is ' ()[]{}', 
> right?

Right. The patch is attached.

Note that shlex.split raises an exception when there is unescaping \ or 
pairless " - currently, this results in no completions.

Interesting feature:

ville at axp[~/tmp]|8> ls
(foo)bar  a b c  a c d  foo(bar)
ville at axp[~/tmp]|9> cat "a b"\ c

(I pressed tab after "a b"). So quotes work ok for completion, they just 
need to be paired.

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