[IPython-dev] A cry for help: I give up with Windows installers

Viktor Ransmayr viktor.ransmayr at t-online.de
Fri Jun 11 15:43:04 EDT 2004

Hi Fernando,

You wrote:

> I wrote:
>> Hi Fernando,
>> I've tried to build the windows-installer from source using 
>> "IPython-0.6.1.cvs.tar.gz".
>> Executing  "python setup.py bdist_wininst 
>> --install-script=ipython_win_post_install.py"
>> I get the following traceback:
>> removing 'build\bdist.win32\wininst' (and everything under it)
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "setup.py", line 130, in ?
>>     ipython_win_post_install.run(wait=1)
>>   File 
>> "D:\Environments\Python\IPython\IPython-0.6.1.cvs\ipython_win_post_install.py", 
>> line 83, in run
>>     shutil.copy(sys.prefix+'\\Scripts\\ipython',ip_filename)
>>   File "D:\Python23\lib\shutil.py", line 71, in copy
>>     copyfile(src, dst)
>>   File "D:\Python23\lib\shutil.py", line 37, in copyfile
>>     fsrc = open(src, 'rb')
>> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
>> 'D:\\Python23\\Scripts\\ipython'
> OK, I get it.  It's my mistake, I never thought the installer would be 
> _built_ under windows, so my setup.py is kind of hacked.  I'll try to 
> fix it and provide an updated one tomorrow.  Can you get CVS code?
Yes, I can. - At the moment I'm mostly working w/ the CVS-Variant  that 
is distributed w/ MSYS.
- However should this turn out to cause problems I'd switch to whatever 
variant you suggest.

> Many thanks for your help, hopefully with a bit of collaboration we 
> can fix the windows issues.  Especially now that Gary's stuff is 
> working so well, I'd love to provide full support for Windows users.

I'm glad, if I can help.



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