[IPython-dev] Encoding warning.

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Tue May 25 14:02:20 EDT 2004

Andrea Riciputi wrote:
> Hi,
> I was installing IPython v0.6.0 when I get the following warning.
> python2.3 setup.py build
> sys:1: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file setup.py 
> on line 10, but no encoding declared; see 
> http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
> I know it's only a minor one, but anyway it could be fixed in the next 
> release.

Thanks, fixed in CVS.

By the way, does anyone know how to deal with accents and encodings with 
Fedora?  My desktop uses now Fedora2, which defaults to  Utf-8 encodings, and 
this is giving me a lot of headaches when I modify a file and then edit it on 
my latptop (Fedora1 configured with Iso-8859-1).

I am thinking that the simplest solution will be just to remove all encoding 
information from all files, and in the same step change PĂ©rez to Perez (I 
think that accent is the sole non-ascii character).  I can live with my name 
being slightly misspelled rather than dealing with the problems which may 
ensue if patches are submitted which change encodings.

I know next to nothing about this, so any pointers will be much appreciated. 
There may be a 'right' way to deal with the issue, which I'd gladly follow if 
I knew it.



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