[IPython-dev] ESC_QUOTE in InteractiveShell

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Fri Feb 18 13:44:53 EST 2005

Ville Vainio wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 10:32 -0700, Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu wrote:
>>inevitable few bugs which are always reported after a release.  I'd like to
>>have a date from you for your course, and how close to it would be your time
>>limit.  I can then wait until then to put out 0.6.12 with whatever other
>>bugfixes I can get in.
> It's thursday 3.3, so there's still two weeks. Take your time, but do
> think of those unfortunate souls that are going to have a $HOME/.ipython
> full of uneditable files on Windows ;-).

No worries, that's actually a good deadline.  I'm also co-teaching a python 
workshop (with John Hunter of matplotlib fame) on Sunday 3.6, so I'd have .12 
out by then.  There's also a new problem because debian removed the profiler 
module from their python free package, so now ipython doesn't work under 
debian.  That kind of forced my hand no matter what.



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