[IPython-dev] Re: some trouble with screen formatting in ipython

Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Sat Feb 19 16:00:14 EST 2005

Quoting Dennis Heuer <dh at triple-media.com>:

> Am 19.02.2005 11:58:49 schrieb(en) Fernando Perez:

> > Fixed in CVS, please see the new option for prompt padding in the rc file.

> OK, I can live with no colors at the moment but the alignment problem is
> somewhat crucial and lets me ignore ipython completely. The point is that if
> there are two cases that align output differently, this is rather confusing
> than helpful. Second, when the input prompt is somewhat long (because of the
> full path name, for example) and the output prompt aligns to it, the often
> rather longer output is squeezed against the right border while the left area
> is fully left blank. This is of no help.

Huh, did you actually read what I just said?

> > Fixed in CVS, please see the new option for prompt padding in the rc file.

It's fixed.  Everything you asked for (except for the coloring buglet, for
reasons I explained), is there.

> P.s.: Your statement to the coloring code made me think. Possibly, you want
> to control the screen too much and should rather go with default ncurses
> functions? Just an imagination (I don't know the code). Often, doing it all
> manually is the wrong choice.

Curses is not portable to win32, and though I don't use win32 myself, there is a
sizeable win32 user community for ipython.  But yes, in the future ipython will
evolve into a backend/frontend split, so that you can use any gui frontend you
want (IDLE, pycrust, a Qt shell, etc).



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