[IPython-dev] Why .py files?

Edward K. Ream edreamleo at charter.net
Thu Jul 7 08:25:24 EDT 2005

Could someone please explain the fundamental requirement of section 3.1 
(files), namely:

"A basic requirement of this project will be that the Python notebooks shall 
be valid Python source files."

I think of a notebook as similar to a Mathematica notebook, namely

a) the notebook app itself (Mathematica), and

b) notebook files (.nb files), for use primarily by the notebook app.

In this context, I would suppose the following:

- What counts is the user experience in the notebook app.

- The natural format for notebook files today would be xml.

- Most 'computing' (or scripting) would be done in the notebook app.  Why 
are separate .py files essential?

- The notebook app will have filters to produce .pdf, etc.  Why not have a 
filter to produce .py files?


Edward K. Ream   email:  edreamleo at charter.net
Leo: http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html

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