[IPython-dev] Mathematica wildcards in ?

Jörgen Stenarson jorgen.stenarson at bostream.nu
Fri Sep 9 16:47:42 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I'm a happy user of IPython but I often wish I had a feature found in 
Mathematica. Where the ? command can take wildcards and then produce a 
list of all names matching the wildcard. There is also support for 
matching down in packages.

example when using pylab:
['plot', 'plot_date', 'plotting']


It would also be nice to be able to filer on types of objects like:

?matplotlib.* class

I have appended a first shot at an implementation of this feature. It 
should work by starting ipython and then importing wildcard.

The functionality is installed as a magic function named %listdef. This 
seemed like the easiest way to test it.

Is this something more people would find useful added to the ? function?

Best regards,
Jörgen Stenarson

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