[IPython-dev] Wildcard

Jörgen Stenarson jorgen.stenarson at bostream.nu
Tue Sep 13 15:54:02 EDT 2005

Hi Fernando,

I have been trying to integrate the wildcard functionality better with 
the other introspection functions but right now I'm not sure how to proceed.

In Magic.py I only have calls to the functions that does the actual work 
similar to pdef, psource...

In OInspect.py I have tried to add the function I used to call list_def 
but I have now renamed to psearch. The problem with this solution is 
that I need the information from user_ns, alias_ns etc. And as far as I 
can tell I cannot reach this information from here. I could pass this 
information into psearch but that would be a significant difference to 
the other p_methods. Do you have any suggestions? Or is the previous 
version ok?

Will these things be different in the refactored design, chainsaw?

I have included a patch of where I am right now. However it crashes in 
Inspector.psearch when trying to access the shell as if it was still in 
the magic class.

I'm going on a business trip tomorrow and will not be back until this 

best regards,
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