[IPython-dev] Improve traceback and where output deep (and patch against svn version)

Vivian De Smedt vivian at vdesmedt.com
Sun Sep 25 09:29:15 EDT 2005

Dear IPython developper,

This is a new version of my previous patch. It is done on the svn 
version of IPython so integration to the code (at least to test) should 
be easier.

Furthermore that patch improve traceback and where output.

The classic version of IPython traceback contains a bit more that is 
really relevant. specially when the traceback is produced after:
    run -d myscript.py

and that myscript raise and un catched error.

Furthermore if %pdb is on the where command shows the stack starting 
from the mainloop of IPython.

After the patch the traceback produced in all situations:
 - run -d myscript.py
 - run myscript.py

contains only what is relevant for the script.

Furthermore the where command output the same part of the stack that the 

Kindest regards,

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