[IPython-dev] traits/tvtk objects and completion

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Sun Jan 8 11:24:30 EST 2006

Fernando Perez wrote:
> Arnd Baecker wrote:
>>On Sun, 8 Jan 2006, Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:
>>>>>>>>"Arnd" == Arnd Baecker <arnd.baecker at web.de> writes:
>>>   Arnd> Hi, the attached example shows some weirdness with
>>>   Arnd> traits/tvtk objects in that TAB completion does not work for
>>>   Arnd> objects defined in an embedded shell.
>>>FWIW this seems to work for me under IPython-0.6.15.
>>And I just realized, that blaming traits/tvtk is not ok ;-)
>>just doing this with `import os` and
>>saying `os_=os` at the ipshell prompt does the same...
>>(this is for IPython.__version__  '0.7.0.rc8')
> Gimme a second, will you?  Fix coming... :)

Now, that's better.  Please check SVN and let me know how it goes (and yes, 
the bug was not traits-related, it was happening for any local variable 
defined at the embedded prompt).

Good thing I got up early today :)



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