[IPython-dev] Issue with upgrading from 0.6.15 to 0.7.0 via easy_install

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Thu Jan 12 03:34:50 EST 2006

Travis Caldwell wrote:

>  I think that ipthon would be a great shell for a number of other
> projects and if easy_install could automatically grab ipython as a
> dependancy it would lower the barrier for this use model.
>  I'd hate to be the last straw that caused egg support to be
> discontinued.

No worries: if users find them useful, I'll swallow my pride and impatience 
and deal with them.  And if I don't want to, Robert will kindly convince me to :)

>  [snip]
>  > Neither of these functions take the same kind of argument that
>  > pkg_resources.run_script() takes, so it's not surprising that    
>  >    
>  > what you wrote
>  > doesn't work.
> Sorry about that. I'm not too familiar with setup tools and I saw:
>   resource_string(package_or_requirement, resource_name)
>     Return the specified resource as a string. The resource is   read
> in binary fashion, such that the returned string contains exactly the
> bytes that are stored in the resource.
> In the API doc and thought I could call it with a requirement string.
>  > It's a bit difficult to diagnose without seeing your filesystem.   
>  > Where are both
>  > of the ipython eggs? Are they both in
>  > /home/travisc/lib/python2.4/site-packages/? Is that a local    
>  > site-packages for a
>  > system Python executable, or is your Python executable   
>  > ~/bin/python2.4, too?
>  Yes, both eggs are in /home/travisc/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
>  This is a local install of python in ~/bin/python2.4

Can you somehow just blow out the 0.6.15 egg and install the 0.7.0 one?  Do 
eggs have a 'delete' command that just removes them altogether?  0.6.15 was 
never 'officially' an egg, so perhaps doing this may help.

But remember: I don't really know how they work, so perhaps what I'm saying is 
just stupid.



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