[IPython-dev] Multi-line history entries

Vivian De Smedt vivian at vdesmedt.com
Mon Jul 24 05:44:39 EDT 2006

Hi Jörgen,

I'm very glad that somebody go into that direction. I'm using windows 
and the the Python version of readline (pyreadline) and your patch do 
not seems to work with this version of the readline library.

I'm not very used to linux, bach nor with the unix version of the 
readline library so I would like to know more about its functionality to 
know more about how it is supposed to work and in particular how it 
match the behavior I describe in the mail you site in your mail.

Could you give me more informations or could you point to some 
documentations I could read.

Thank again for your patch,
Kindest regards,
Vivian De Smedt.

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