[IPython-dev] Setup problem with ipython1

David Huard david.huard at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 14:18:40 EST 2007


I just updated the saw branch and I have problems with the installation;
it complains about being unable to import ipython1.external. 

I added a ipython1/external/twisted/web2 to `with_packages` in setup.py,
but then, by calling import ipython1.kernel.api I get

     10 """
---> 12 from ipython1.external.twisted.web2._version import version
     13 __version__ = version.short()

      1 # This is an auto-generated file. Use admin/change-versions to update.
----> 2 from twisted.python import versions
      3 version = versions.Version(__name__[:__name__.rfind('.')], 0, 2, 0)

my twisted version is 2.2.0, is this outdated ?


David Huard

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