[IPython-dev] Follow-up to prompt bug

Thorsten Kampe thorsten at thorstenkampe.de
Wed Jun 13 12:08:56 EDT 2007

Hi, this is a follow-up to the yet unsolved "prompt bug"[1].

A short summary: a coloured prompt (like [2]) shows strange characters 
in the output prompt when Cygwin Ipython is run in a Windows console. 
It doesn't show with Windows IPython/pyreadline and with Cygwin 
IPython/readline and rxvt.

I found today another issue that might solve this problem, too: I 
installed web.py[3] - Alex Martelli's favourite web framework.

When I run "import web" on a Windows console the input and 
continuation prompt get severely mangled:

Cygwin Ipython:  ????[2]??>>> ?? 
Windows Ipython: ??[0;32m???[1;37m?[4]??[1;36m?>>> ??[0m?

As always Cygwin Ipython/rxvt are unaffected. I don't know whether 
Ipython has a bug in this regard or web.py /but/ I think that if the 
cause of this error is found then we also have the root cause why 
Cygwin Ipython's output prompt is mangled and solved bug #145.

[1] http://projects.scipy.org/ipython/ipython/ticket/145
prompt_in1 '\C_White[\N]\C_LightCyan>>> '
prompt_in2 '\C_LightCyan\D..... '
prompt_out '\C_White[\N]    '
[3] http://webpy.org/

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