[IPython-dev] Ipython1 sync frontend crash

Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org
Sat Aug 30 19:15:47 EDT 2008

On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 11:02:35PM +0200, Laurent Dufrechou wrote:
> Ok will go with subclassing, but was thinking (and still ;) )that I
> add to start subclassing from WxController, because all functions in
> IPythonXController are specific to your app...

Sure, if you think so, your are probably right. My way of doing software
is to move forward, and maybe not get the best design from the start, but
I try to keep vigilent about my code, and refactor it as soon as I think
I am doing something wrong.

> I will give you feedback when ready. One day will have to share our
> skype nick ;)

gael.varoquaux :). I am in the US right now (actually staying at
Fernando's place), so I am a bit out of sync with you.


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