[IPython-dev] Development on Launchpad, odds and ends

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Mon Jun 2 14:51:44 EDT 2008

Hey Brian

2008/6/2 Brian Granger <ellisonbg.net at gmail.com>:
> My initial merging of ipython1 -> IPython will look like this:
> ipython1.config -> IPython.config
> ipython1.kernel -> IPython.kernel
> ipython1.core -> IPython.kernel.core
> ipython1.external -> IPython.external (we will need to coordinate this
> as some of the externals are already in IPython.

Has the sconfig branch been merged into ipython1?  It is fairly close
to complete (you'll find the details in the email I sent last time,
but as far as I recall, the only missing functionality is a complete
roundtrip based on configobj, which should take a further 20 minutes
to implement).


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