[IPython-dev] First merge of ipython1 -> IPython is completed!

Johann Cohen-Tanugi cohen at slac.stanford.edu
Tue Jun 10 13:54:35 EDT 2008

replace ipython by IPython in setupbase.py, at the line where ipengine 
is called and the 2 next ones.

ipython-dev-request at scipy.org wrote:
> Send IPython-dev mailing list submissions to
> 	ipython-dev at scipy.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> 	http://lists.ipython.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/ipython-dev
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	ipython-dev-request at scipy.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	ipython-dev-owner at scipy.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of IPython-dev digest..."
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: First merge of ipython1 -> IPython is completed! (Doug Jones)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: [IPython-dev] First merge of ipython1 -> IPython is completed!
> From:
> "Doug Jones" <dfj225 at gmail.com>
> Date:
> Tue, 10 Jun 2008 13:02:12 -0400
> To:
> "Brian Granger" <ellisonbg.net at gmail.com>
> To:
> "Brian Granger" <ellisonbg.net at gmail.com>
> CC:
> IPython Development list <ipython-dev at scipy.net>
> Hi All,
> I just gave the newest setup.py a go on my machine and ran into some 
> problems. I've copied its output below. If you need more information, 
> let me know and I will do my best to provide it.
> Thanks,
> ~doug
> python setup.py build
> ============================================================================
>                 python: 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Nov  1 2007, 13:29:57)  [GCC
>                         4.1.2 (Gentoo 4.1.2 p1.0.1)]
>               platform: linux2
>         Zope.Interface: yes
>                Twisted: 2.5.0
>               Foolscap: 0.2.8
>                OpenSSL: Not found (required if you want security in the
>                         parallel computing capabilities)
>                 sphinx: 0.3
>               pygments: 0.10
>                   nose: 0.9.3
>                pexpect: 2.1
> running build
> running build_py
> creating build
> creating build/lib
> creating build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/wildcard.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/deep_reload.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/macro.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/ipapi.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/rlineimpl.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/CrashHandler.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/Shell.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/ultraTB.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/ipmaker.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/upgrade_dir.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/excolors.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/Release.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/demo.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/OutputTrap.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/shadowns.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/ColorANSI.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/platutils_posix.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/strdispatch.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/generics.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/platutils.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/Debugger.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/GnuplotInteractive.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/ipstruct.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/completer.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/FakeModule.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/usage.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/GnuplotRuntime.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/Logger.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/Prompts.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/numutils.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/ConfigLoader.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/platutils_dummy.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/DPyGetOpt.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/platutils_win32.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/background_jobs.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/iplib.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/dtutils.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/prefilter.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/PyColorize.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/twshell.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/history.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/winconsole.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/shellglobals.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/genutils.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/hooks.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/OInspect.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/Magic.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/irunner.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/Gnuplot2.py -> build/lib/IPython
> copying IPython/Itpl.py -> build/lib/IPython
> creating build/lib/IPython/config
> copying IPython/config/api.py -> build/lib/IPython/config
> copying IPython/config/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/config
> copying IPython/config/cutils.py -> build/lib/IPython/config
> copying IPython/config/sconfig.py -> build/lib/IPython/config
> package init file 'IPython/config/tests/__init__.py' not found (or not 
> a regular file)
> creating build/lib/IPython/config/tests
> copying IPython/config/tests/simpleconf.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/config/tests
> copying IPython/config/tests/sctst.py -> build/lib/IPython/config/tests
> creating build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_autoreload.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_bzr.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_rehashdir.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_profile_sh.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/pickleshare.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/PhysicalQInteractive.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/astyle.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_system_conf.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_profile_doctest.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_gnuglobal.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_traits_completer.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/numeric_formats.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_profile_scipy.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_leo.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_lookfor.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/win32clip.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_pydb.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_legacy.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_render.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_vimserver.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_jot.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/InterpreterExec.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_exportdb.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipipe.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_signals.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/pspersistence.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_server.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/PhysicalQInput.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/jobctrl.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_profile_none.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/clearcmd.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_greedycompleter.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_profile_numpy.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ibrowse.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ext_rescapture.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/InterpreterPasteInput.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ledit.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_winpdb.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_constants.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/igrid.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_defaults.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_kitcfg.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_stock_completers.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_which.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_app_completers.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_workdir.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_fsops.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_extutil.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_completers.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_p4.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_profile_zope.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/ipy_editors.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> copying IPython/Extensions/envpersist.py -> build/lib/IPython/Extensions
> creating build/lib/IPython/external
> copying IPython/external/mglob.py -> build/lib/IPython/external
> copying IPython/external/path.py -> build/lib/IPython/external
> copying IPython/external/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/external
> copying IPython/external/simplegeneric.py -> build/lib/IPython/external
> copying IPython/external/validate.py -> build/lib/IPython/external
> copying IPython/external/configobj.py -> build/lib/IPython/external
> copying IPython/external/guid.py -> build/lib/IPython/external
> copying IPython/external/Itpl.py -> build/lib/IPython/external
> creating build/lib/IPython/gui
> copying IPython/gui/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/gui
> creating build/lib/IPython/gui/wx
> copying IPython/gui/wx/ipshell_nonblocking.py -> build/lib/IPython/gui/wx
> copying IPython/gui/wx/thread_ex.py -> build/lib/IPython/gui/wx
> copying IPython/gui/wx/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/gui/wx
> copying IPython/gui/wx/wxIPython.py -> build/lib/IPython/gui/wx
> copying IPython/gui/wx/ipython_history.py -> build/lib/IPython/gui/wx
> copying IPython/gui/wx/ipython_view.py -> build/lib/IPython/gui/wx
> creating build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/client.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/multienginefc.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/codeutil.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/engineservice.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/map.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/clientinterfaces.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/taskfc.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/pickleutil.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/contexts.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/taskclient.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/multiengine.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/clientconnector.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/multiengineclient.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/controllerservice.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/pendingdeferred.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/magic.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/engineconnector.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/util.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/task.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/pbconfig.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/parallelfunction.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/enginefc.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/newserialized.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/asyncclient.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/twistedutil.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/pbutil.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/error.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> copying IPython/kernel/fcutil.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel
> creating build/lib/IPython/kernel/config
> copying IPython/kernel/config/__init__.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/config
> creating build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/test_multienginefc.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/test_controllerservice.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/test_engineservice.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/test_task.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/test_pendingdeferred.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/engineservicetest.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/test_newserialized.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/multienginetest.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/test_taskfc.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/test_enginefc.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/test_multiengine.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/controllertest.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/tests/tasktest.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/tests
> creating build/lib/IPython/kernel/scripts
> copying IPython/kernel/scripts/ipcluster.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/scripts
> copying IPython/kernel/scripts/__init__.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/scripts
> copying IPython/kernel/scripts/ipengine.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/scripts
> copying IPython/kernel/scripts/ipcontroller.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/scripts
> creating build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/macro.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/display_formatter.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/message_cache.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/ultraTB.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/magic.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/shell.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/traceback_trap.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/util.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/prompts.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/output_trap.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/display_trap.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/interpreter.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/history.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/traceback_formatter.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> copying IPython/kernel/core/error.py -> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core
> creating build/lib/IPython/kernel/core/config
> copying IPython/kernel/core/config/__init__.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core/config
> creating build/lib/IPython/kernel/core/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/core/tests/test_shell.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core/tests
> copying IPython/kernel/core/tests/__init__.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/kernel/core/tests
> creating build/lib/IPython/testing
> copying IPython/testing/ipdoctest.py -> build/lib/IPython/testing
> copying IPython/testing/testTEMPLATE.py -> build/lib/IPython/testing
> copying IPython/testing/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/testing
> copying IPython/testing/parametric.py -> build/lib/IPython/testing
> copying IPython/testing/util.py -> build/lib/IPython/testing
> copying IPython/testing/mkdoctests.py -> build/lib/IPython/testing
> copying IPython/testing/tutils.py -> build/lib/IPython/testing
> copying IPython/testing/tstTEMPLATE_doctest.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/testing
> copying IPython/testing/tcommon.py -> build/lib/IPython/testing
> creating build/lib/IPython/testing/tests
> copying IPython/testing/tests/__init__.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/testing/tests
> copying IPython/testing/tests/test_testutils.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/testing/tests
> creating build/lib/IPython/tools
> copying IPython/tools/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/tools
> copying IPython/tools/utils.py -> build/lib/IPython/tools
> copying IPython/tools/growl.py -> build/lib/IPython/tools
> creating build/lib/IPython/tools/tests
> copying IPython/tools/tests/tst_tools_utils_doctest2.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/tools/tests
> copying IPython/tools/tests/__init__.py -> build/lib/IPython/tools/tests
> copying IPython/tools/tests/test_tools_utils.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/tools/tests
> copying IPython/tools/tests/tst_tools_utils_doctest.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/tools/tests
> package init file 'IPython/UserConfig/__init__.py' not found (or not a 
> regular file)
> creating build/lib/IPython/UserConfig
> copying IPython/UserConfig/ipy_user_conf.py -> 
> build/lib/IPython/UserConfig
> copying IPython/UserConfig/ipythonrc-physics -> 
> build/lib/IPython/UserConfig
> copying IPython/UserConfig/ipythonrc -> build/lib/IPython/UserConfig
> copying IPython/UserConfig/ipythonrc-tutorial -> 
> build/lib/IPython/UserConfig
> copying IPython/UserConfig/ipythonrc-numeric -> 
> build/lib/IPython/UserConfig
> copying IPython/UserConfig/ipythonrc-pysh -> build/lib/IPython/UserConfig
> copying IPython/UserConfig/ipythonrc-math -> build/lib/IPython/UserConfig
> package init file 'IPython/config/tests/__init__.py' not found (or not 
> a regular file)
> package init file 'IPython/UserConfig/__init__.py' not found (or not a 
> regular file)
> running build_scripts
> creating build/scripts-2.5
> error: file 'ipython/kernel/scripts/ipengine' does not exist
> On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg.net 
> <http://ellisonbg.net>@gmail.com <http://gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello all,
>     I have just merged the ipython-ipython1a branch into ipython trunk.
>     This means that most of the stable stuff from ipython1 is now in
>     IPython.  This includes the following new subpackages:
>     IPython.kernel
>     IPython.kernel.core
>     IPython.config
>     IPython.tools
>     The biggest change though is that I have refectored the setup.py
>     script.  Because these new subpackages have lots of other
>     dependencies, we needed a nice way of handling these things.  Here is
>     a skech of how it is being handled:
>     1.  If setuptools is being used, we declare optional requires for the
>     additional deps
>     2.  If setuptools is not being used, we check for the deps manually
>     and simple tell the user what was found and what is required for what
>     features.
>     While this will likely take some find tuning, it is a start.
>     PLEASE, try out the new setup.py in trunk on various platforms and in
>     various situations.  We need to test this well as it is a huge change.
>     But, the bottom line is that IPython trunk now has full parallel
>     computing capabilities.  I will also announce on IPython-users
>     Next stop: documentation merge!!!
>     Cheers,
>     Brian
>     _______________________________________________
>     IPython-dev mailing list
>     IPython-dev at scipy.org <mailto:IPython-dev at scipy.org>
>     http://lists.ipython.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/ipython-dev
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at scipy.org
> http://lists.ipython.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/ipython-dev

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