[IPython-dev] IPython.fronend progress

Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org
Mon Jun 23 13:56:57 EDT 2008

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 11:44:27AM -0600, Brian Granger wrote:
> For the most part we do want to follow pep 8 conventions for IPython
> code.  But, there are cases (I don't know if things in the Cocoa
> frontend fall into this case), like subclassing, where you have to use
> the conventions established by a third party (twisted or pyobjc in
> Barry's case).  These other projects may go against pep 8, but we do
> have to live with their conventions if we want to use their software.
> In that sense, they don't care that we don't care :)

Fare enough, but for generic stuff (like the frontentbase), we should
stick to pep 8. I do realise that the cocoa frontend inherits both from
the FrontEndBase, and the apple NSObject, but I gather that the interface
are separate, and that none of the FrontEndBase method overrides an
NSObject lethod.

> > Just a stupid question: is their a good reason for not merging this
> > branch with trunk? It will probably get us more people running the code
> > or reviewing it, though I must admit that the fact that the only
> > available frontend is a cocoa one prevents me totally forom trying the
> > code out.

> The plan is to do a merge very soon.  Barry is just doing good
> development by 1) doing his work in a branch and 2) asking for code
> review before merging.  Kudos for that!

Yes, this is good. I do think we will want to move forward pretty soon. I
think I might want to reuse that code, and it sitting in a different
branch might not help.



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