[IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython/ipython/trunk] Rev 1017: Merged ipython-frontend branch. All changes in IPython.frontend except for updates to IPython.ker...
Fernando Perez
fperez.net at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 12:59:48 EDT 2008
Wow Barry,
huge commit :)
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:06 AM, <noreply at launchpad.net> wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> revno: 1017
> committer: Barry Wark <barrywark at gmail.com>
> branch nick: ipython
> timestamp: Tue 2008-06-24 00:02:30 -0700
> message:
> Merged ipython-frontend branch. All changes in IPython.frontend except for updates to IPython.kernel.engineservice.ThreadedEngineService and associated tests.
> added:
> IPython/frontend/cocoa/examples/.DS_Store
> IPython/frontend/cocoa/examples/IPython1Sandbox/
> IPython/frontend/cocoa/examples/IPython1Sandbox/.DS_Store
Please don't commit those .DS_Store files.
As a general rule, before making a large commit, open it in your
editor/GUI of choice and check carefully every file you're about to
commit. Perhaps adding a proper .bzrignore is what we need right now.
> IPython/frontend/cocoa/examples/IPython1Sandbox/English.lproj/
> IPython/frontend/cocoa/examples/IPython1Sandbox/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
> IPython/frontend/cocoa/examples/IPython1Sandbox/English.lproj/MainMenu.xib
I assume these others are indeed needed for your Cocoa work, but given
the omission above, I'd appreciate if you double-checked the entire
log of added files and made sure nothing else made it in that
shouldn't have.
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