[IPython-dev] [IPython-user] IPython1 0.3 prerelease

Brian Granger ellisonbg.net at gmail.com
Tue May 13 13:34:44 EDT 2008

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 1:36 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2008/5/13 Brian Granger <ellisonbg.net at gmail.com>:
> >  We are getting ready to release version 0.3 of IPython1.  This version
>  >  has been long in the waiting and has lots of new features and
>  >  enhancement.  Trying IPython1 out is easier than ever, as it is
>  >  easy_installable now (don't worry, we still have a plain distutils
>  >  setup.py as well):
>  >
>  >  easy_install ipython1
>  >
>  >  This will get the latest ipython1 0.3 prerelease as well as Twisted
>  >  and zope.interface if you don't have it.  Please try installing this
>  >  prerelease and running the test suite (trial ipython1).  The final
>  >  version of ipython1 0.3 will be cut later this week.
>  Given that I don't use eggs, can I check - are Twisted and
>  zope.interface now mandatory prerequisites? They certainly weren't in
>  the previous version. Also, I assume that on Windows, pyreadline is
>  still needed?

Note:  this is a release of IPython1, which is a separate project than
regular ipython (which some are now calling "ipython0".  IPython1
provides parallel computing capabilties and does require both
zope.interface and Twisted.  Sorry about the confusion.


>  Paul.

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