[IPython-dev] [Branch ~ipython-dev/ipython/trunk] Rev 1129: added ipy_gmail extension

Stefan Van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Sep 2 02:53:23 EDT 2008

On 02 Sep 2008, at 08:33 , Ville M. Vainio wrote:
> Again, note that this is in extension code which implicitly holds no  
> promise of actually being useful. Notably, extension code can change  
> how it behaves quite randomly, and can fall out of maintenance as  
> easily. This is why we can take whole extensions as external  
> contributions in quite a relaxed fashion (and this is a good thing).
> Thin of the "Extensions" directory as 'contrib' directory.

It's so annoying when projects ship files in "contrib" that are  
incompatible with the latest release -- kind of makes you wonder  
whether these people are serious about delivering good quality  
software.  By investing a tiny amount of time in unit testing and peer  
reviewing code, the problem can mostly be eradicated.  Seems worth it  
to me, a thousand times over.


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