[IPython-dev] ipython0.9 and python2.4

Brian Granger ellisonbg.net at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 01:04:23 EDT 2008

> Let's define what we want to put in this 0.9.2 release. Next week I can
> take half a day to put this aditional method in the frontends in order
> and push it for inclusion, if this is an option. Unfortunately, I'll
> still need to use my subclass in the enthought branch, as I don't think
> we'll ship 0.9.2 with EPD, and I can only rely on what is shipped with
> EPD.

I think 0.9.2 should have only super small bug fixes that aboslutely
need to get out before 0.10.  I put your code more in the category of
"almost a new feature that requires much more testing and review."

Also, because having this code in 0.9.2 won't make a difference for
Enthought, let's just schedule this code for 0.10 and merge it into
trunk after has been reviewed.



> Gaƫl

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