[IPython-dev] Hum... tried to merge gael branch...

Laurent Dufréchou ldufrechou at marport.com
Wed Feb 11 18:26:16 EST 2009

Ok, I've just managed to merge lp:ipython in to my branch.
Last question, if I merge your branch gael , and don't know why, but
your branch will not be merged in next release.
(for any reason, or for example, you say your code is not good and you
will merge instead gael2_newbranch)
Does my branch will then be delayed (because of the dependance) ?
Or when final merge will arrive, fernando will be able to select the
"good" part of my branch...
Perhaps the bad thing is that I've  branched the  full main dev repos
instead of branching only ./gui directory?

Once your branch will be merged be prepared for a set of question on
how to derivate and tune your frontend to make it the same (in
appearance) to the one i did ;)
Hope it will be easy! Ideally and if possible and want to get the same
behaviour as mine, like classical ipython console.

By the way have you seen bug

Got the same bug there, it is related to
iplib.py:389:        self.user_ns['_oh'] = self.output_hist
iplib.py:394:        self.user_ns['Out'] = self.output_hist

but can't find where self.output_hist is refreshed. Will continue to
dig this tomorow.
If I found something will tell you.


2009/2/11 Gael Varoquaux <gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org>:
> On Wed, Feb 11, dmanage2009 at 11:19:35PM +0100, Laurent Dufréchou wrote:
>> Yeah! This is what I've just seen :)
>> In fact i think only the chmod +x has changed I think...
>> If I merge with trunk, then I need to commit back to my branch. Does
>> it will have some side effect when merging back my branch????
>> For example can I safely do:
>> bzr merge ipython main branch +
>> bzr merge gael branch
>> and than later merge my code into main one?
>> If that works, wow bzr is good :)!
> As long as there are no conflicts between my branch and trunk, this will
> work. Avoiding conflicts with a branch and trunk is a good policy,
> because it renders this kind of development pattern possible. If you have
> to create conflicts, then you are on your own...
> Gaël
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