[IPython-dev] ctrl+c in gui, event loops, sure i'm missing something...

Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org
Thu Feb 12 05:39:19 EST 2009

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 11:11:40AM +0100, Laurent Dufrechou wrote:
> So the fact is if networking/ipython1 core is needed, then wx must be
> integrataed with twisted, and I think it is not the case currently.
> (If I well understood the concept and from recent mail i've readen). True?
> --> Is that hard, looking current "ipython1" state to play with a
> twisted wx loop?
> Anyone ever played with it? Anything planned?
> --> Is the wx sycnhroneous frontend is ready and able to deal with ipython1?

No as it is, but the execution engine (an IPython1 instance) is
reasonnably well abstracted, and you should be able to instanciate one
that is out of processes.

Now you will have a few big problems. The first one is that you basically
become asynchronous. You have to deal with deferred and all that. You
need to look at the work by Barry Wark, in the asynchronous front end
base, and will need to derive a new class using the asynchronous base and
the frontend base, rather than the synchronous base. The code has been
thought to allow this, but of course, there will be glitches.

The second problem is that the code allowing to have ipython0 features is
a hack that is incompatible with out-of-process execution. Briefly, you
need to share the namespace of the two engine (the ipython0 and the
ipython1) to get magics and code completion. The clean way out of this is
to refactor ipython0 to port features to an ipython1 engine. This is what
we have been talking about doing for a long while and has been delayed
all the time. I don't have a good answer here.


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