[IPython-dev] [matplotlib-devel] IPython proposal: getting rid of "ipython -pylab\-wthread\etc."

Brian Granger ellisonbg.net at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 14:06:24 EDT 2009

This is a great project and I'm sure we're all looking forward to having
> "just one way to do it".
> However, do not overestimate how up-to-date these packages will be,
> particularly in managed environments.  For instance the RHEL4 boxes we run
> at my employer still have pygtk 2.4.  (Yes, that is 4 years old!)  It would
> be unfortunate if our users couldn't update matplotlib without the pain of
> recompiling a large part of the gtk stack underneath.

I am fully aware that some environments upgrade things like GUI toolkits
over very long time scales.  More important - there isn't a released version
of wx that has these capabilities in it.  It will be a long time before
everyone is running the needed versions of wx/gtk/qt.  In the meantime, we
will do everything we can to make sure that people running older versions of
GUI toolkits can continue to use IPython (and mpl).

On the mpl side of things, there will probably have to be some changes to
the GUI toolkit initialization code that detects which way things are being
run (old/new) and then does the right thing.  If we coordinate this well,
that should allow newer versions of mpl to work with both new and old
versions of IPython and the GUI toolkits.  However *at some point*, we will
have to make a clean break.

> So just a plea to keep the old code paths working -- perhaps surrounded in
> big flashing "REMOVE ME LATER" comments.  I understand that maintaining code
> that fewer and fewer users will be running is like a time bomb.

This is especially true of the threaded Shells in IPython.  Honestly, even
with thousands of people using it (as is currently the case) it is a time

> Maybe we could raise a deprecation warning if a user has an old version of
> a toolkit, so at least when the bomb finally goes off the user has a first
> guess as to why.  But I think dropping all support for these older versions
> in one step would be a mistake.

Yes, there will definitely have to be some sort of transition.  One
possibility is that during the transition, the old threaded Shells would
slowly loose features that become impossible to maintain (such as interrupt
handling in the threaded shells).

With our very limited IPython manpower, we have a very fine line to walk
between moving forward and maintaining backwards compatibility.



> Cheers,
> Mike
> Brian Granger wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> [sent to mpl-dev, enthought-dev and ipython-dev]
>> This summer, we are doing some major refactoring of IPython's core.  One
>> of the things I am working on is changing how IPython's works with GUI
>> toolkits.  These changes will have a significant impact (hopefully for the
>> better) on your project, so I wanted to open a discussion about this issue.
>> Here is the current situation:  currently, IPython uses threads to allow
>> GUI event loops.  This code lives in IPython.Shell and is extremely subtle,
>> hard to maintain and fragile.  Fernando and John Hunter have done a
>> fantastic job in developing this code, but in the long run we need a more
>> robust approach.
>> Here is the proposal:  Python has an obscure hook called PyOS_InputHook.
>>  By using this hook, GUI toolkits can interleave their event loop with a
>> command line program *without threads*.  Even though PyOS_InputHook is not
>> well known, this is how Python's built-in integration with Tk works.  The
>> good news is that other GUI toolkits are starting to support PyOS_InputHook:
>> * PyGTK 2.15.1 has this.
>> * The mpl MacOSX backend works this way
>> * Recent versions of PyQT 4 have this.
>> * I am working with Robin Dunn to implement this in wxPython 2.8 and 2.9
>> Bottom line: once people are using these recent/upcoming versions of the
>> GUI toolkits, IPython will no longer need to maintain the code in Shell.py
>> and IPython won't need to have -pylab/-wthread/etc options.
>> So, how does affect your project?
>> * People will be able to use your project interactive from the regular
>> python prompt.
>> * You will need to make small changes to your GUI toolkits initialization
>> code.
>> * All of us will need to coordinate version transitions to make sure that
>> there is a clean transition to this new approach.
>> * I need help testing the new approach (especially with wxPython) to make
>> sure that your project actually works with the new approach.
>> What needs to be done at this point?
>> * I would like to discuss how the transition should be made in terms of
>> versions.
>> * I need help testing this new approach in the various toolkits -
>> especially with wx.
>> * I want to see if there are other issues related to this that I am
>> missing.
>> Cheers,
>> Brian
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> Michael Droettboom
> Science Software Branch
> Operations and Engineering Division
> Space Telescope Science Institute
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