[IPython-dev] Building docs

Jörgen Stenarson jorgen.stenarson at bostream.nu
Mon May 4 14:14:27 EDT 2009


what are the build dependencies for the documentation? I got a crash 
(see below) when trying to build today.
The do_sphinx is out of date (it does not call autogen_api.py).

I would like to improve the do_sphinx command to check for the presense 
of latex instead of just assuming it is not available on windows. Is 
this something I should do and supply a patch?


Making output directory...
Running Sphinx v1.0 (hg)
No builder selected, using default: html
loading pickled environment... not found
building [html]: targets for 168 source files that are out of date
updating environment: 168 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [  0%] api/generated/IPython.ColorANSI
reading sources... [  1%] api/generated/IPython.ConfigLoader
reading sources... [  1%] api/generated/IPython.CrashHandler
reading sources... [  2%] api/generated/IPython.DPyGetOpt
reading sources... [  2%] api/generated/IPython.Debugger
reading sources... [  3%] api/generated/IPython.Itpl
reading sources... [  4%] api/generated/IPython.Logger
reading sources... [  4%] api/generated/IPython.Magic
reading sources... [  5%] api/generated/IPython.OInspect
reading sources... [  5%] api/generated/IPython.OutputTrap
reading sources... [  6%] api/generated/IPython.Prompts
reading sources... [  7%] api/generated/IPython.PyColorize
reading sources... [  7%] api/generated/IPython.Shell
reading sources... [  8%] api/generated/IPython.UserConfig.ipy_user_conf
reading sources... [  8%] api/generated/IPython.background_jobs
reading sources... [  9%] api/generated/IPython.completer
reading sources... [ 10%] api/generated/IPython.config.api
reading sources... [ 10%] api/generated/IPython.config.cutils
reading sources... [ 11%] api/generated/IPython.deep_reload
reading sources... [ 11%] api/generated/IPython.demo
reading sources... [ 12%] api/generated/IPython.dtutils
reading sources... [ 13%] api/generated/IPython.excolors
reading sources... [ 13%] api/generated/IPython.external.Itpl
reading sources... [ 14%] api/generated/IPython.external.argparse
reading sources... [ 14%] api/generated/IPython.external.configobj
reading sources... [ 15%] api/generated/IPython.external.guid
reading sources... [ 16%] api/generated/IPython.external.mglob
reading sources... [ 16%] api/generated/IPython.external.path
reading sources... [ 17%] api/generated/IPython.external.pretty
reading sources... [ 17%] api/generated/IPython.external.simplegeneric
reading sources... [ 18%] api/generated/IPython.external.validate
reading sources... [ 19%] api/generated/IPython.frontend.asyncfrontendbase
Exception occurred:
  line 107, in _import_class_or_module
     "Could not import class or module '%s' specified for inheritance 
diagram" %
ValueError: Could not import class or module 
' specified for inheritance diagram
The full traceback has been saved in 
r-45r7oy.log, if you want to report the issue to the author.
Please also report this if it was a user error, so that a better error 
message c
an be provided next time.
Send reports to sphinx-dev at googlegroups.com. Thanks!

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