[IPython-dev] Musings: syntax for high-level expression of parallel (and other) execution control

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 14:40:50 EDT 2009

2009/9/17 Brian Granger <ellisonbg.net at gmail.com>:
> Very nice!

Thanks, I hope it's more useful in the long run in this form.  I
*really* like sphinx, it was actually quite painless to go through the
thread and my local codes to put this together, and the final result
is very clean.

By the way, I also liked very much this format for giving a
presentation.  It's a lot less pain to write than making slides, more
reusable  in the long term, and I think it worked well for the
audience.  It was easy to highlight points in the code, it's nicely
highlighted,  I can keep lots of links handy, etc.

One could even imagine writing a book about scientific computing for
python using these tools.  Crazy, I know.



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