[IPython-dev] IPython and amd64 Python

carmstr3 at illinois.edu carmstr3 at illinois.edu
Wed Sep 30 14:27:45 EDT 2009


I installed Python 2.6.2 using the amd64 installer.  I am running Windows 7 Professional Edition (got it early through MSDNAA :P

Next, I compiled IPython from source using:

'python setupegg.py install'

Then, I added the Python26\Scripts directory to my PATH.

However, nothing is placed into my start menu, and I am unable to start IPython from a command line.  I am given the error:

'Cannot find Python executable C:\Python26\python.exe'

I clearly have the python executable, in that exact place, and that directory is also on my PATH.

is ipython.exe looking for the 32 bit python?  is there a way I can solve this?


PS. sorry if this is a repeat message.  I subscribed and sent the message to ipython-user last night, and again this morning, but I've never seen the message bounced from the mailing list.  ipython-user doesn't seem to be responding to me...  I'm trying to send this to ipython-dev because a) it is sort of related to that; b) I can't seem to post to ipython-user; and c) just to make sure there isn't an issue on my end (ie, if this works, then its is an issue with ipython-user?)

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