[IPython-dev] About KernelManager

Omar Andrés Zapata Mesa andresete.chaos at gmail.com
Sat Aug 7 17:47:07 EDT 2010

Hi all.
I am having problems with kernelmanager from evan's repo.

I am writing a simple code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from kernelmanager import KernelManager
from session import Session
import zmq
xreq_addr = ('',5555)
sub_addr = ('', 5556)
rep_addr = ('', 5557)
context = zmq.Context()
session = Session()
km = KernelManager(xreq_addr, sub_addr, rep_addr,context,session)
km.xreq_channel_class.execute("print 1")

and the error is

TypeError: unbound method execute() must be called with XReqSocketChannel
instance as first argument (got str instance instead)

how should I use  kernelmanager ?

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