[IPython-dev] Digging into IPython

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at enthought.com
Wed Jan 13 17:25:48 EST 2010


I'm starting to dig into the ipython code, with the eventual goal of 
updating some of the code in the Enthought Tool Suite to make better 
ipython plugins.  I have a lot of questions, but I'll start with a 
simple one.  What is wrong with the following code?

from IPython.iplib import InteractiveShell

ip = InteractiveShell("my_name")

ipapi = ip.getapi()

print "\nnames:"
print ipapi.IP.user_ns.keys()

print "\ncalling runlines()"
ipapi.runlines("a = 'abc'\nx = 999")

print "\nnames:"
print ipapi.IP.user_ns.keys()

I am using version 0.10.  When I run this code, I get the attached crash 
report; the exception that it reports is "AttributeError: 
'InteractiveShell' object has no attribute 'log'".

My second question:  I would like to learn more about the topics here:
Are there any working examples of the use cases described in that page?



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