[IPython-dev] %run -d is broken in Python 2.7

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 03:43:14 EDT 2010

2010/7/12 vano <vano at mail.mipt.ru>:
> After thorough investigation, it turned out a pdb issue (details are
> on the link), so i filed a bug there (http://bugs.python.org/issue9230) as
> well as a bugfix.
> If any of you have write access to python source, you can help me to get
> it fixed quickly.

Ouch, thanks for finding this and providing the pdb patch.
Unfortunately I don't have write access to Python itself (I have
2-year old patches lingering in the python tracker, I'm afraid).

If you can make a (most likely ugly) monkeypatch at runtime to fix
this from the IPython side, we'll include that.  There's a good chance
this will take forever to fix in Python itself, so carrying our own
version-checked ugly fix is better than having broken functionality
for 2.7 users.

I imagine that grabbing the pdb instance and injecting a frame object
into it will do the trick, from looking at your traceback.

If you make such a fix, just post a pull  request for us or a patch,
as you prefer:


and we'll be happy to include it.



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