[IPython-dev] Qt/Curses interfaces future: results of the weekend mini-sprint (or having fun with 0mq)

Brian Granger ellisonbg at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 12:56:19 EDT 2010


> Sorry for the brevity, I have a crazy day today and can't work on this
> but want to jot down some design thoughts from last nights
> tab-completion exercise before I forget so they're here for further
> discussion.

Thanks for writing these things down...

> - We probably want a second REQ/XREP socket used strictly for control
> messages.  This will  make it easier to handle them separate from code
> execution.

I think we actually need to have the control messages over the same
socket as execute.  The reason is that if we had a 2nd channel, the
control messages could overtake the execute ones:

>>> time.sleep(10);
>>> a = 10
>>> a.[TAB]  # if we have a 2nd channel, this will get to the kernel before a = 10!!!

I have some ideas though on how we can better use the single XREQ/XREP
pair for both control and execution.

> - The kernel should also  have  a second PUB socket where it simply
> posts busy/ready status updates.  This can then be used by clients to
> check before making certain control requests like tab completion that
> should be avoided when busy (I know, there's a race condition if it's
> implemented naively, but I think it can be avoided simply by assuming
> that control requests are made only when the status socket is in
> 'ready' status, but that clients can't assume they will get them
> honored, they have to  check the result and be ready to time out if
> needed).

Nice idea to have the status updates published.  We should definitely
do that.  I think we can easily do this using a single PUB/SUB pair
though.  I just need to write down these ideas I have about how to
handle multiple types of actions on a single socket.  Shouldn't be a
problem though.  I am a little weary of having too many open sockets
and there is really no reason we can't handle all the actions on a
single socket.

> - We're starting to see the architecture needed for qt/wx/curses
> applications now: we should break what we now call the 'frontend' into
> 2 objects:
> 1. 'Client': object that talks to kernel with zmq messages, does NOT
> talk directly to user and doesn't know if it's in qt, wx, curses or
> terminal.
> 2. 'Frontend': object that talks to user, has UI dependencies (qt,
> readline, etc) but does NOT have zmq dependencies.  It *only* talks to
> client object via python calls,  it does not do messaging.
> Even the code in frontend.py today is starting to have a bit of this,
> now we just have to make the split, and that will quickly indicate
> where the design divisions need to go.

I know this is something you really want to have.  But I don't think
it is possible, even for the synchronous line based frontend.  This is
because all frontends will need to have an event loop and the event
loop itself needs handle the 0MQ messaging stuff.  But I am willing to
explore this idea further to see if it is possible.  I think the next
step is to implement a real event loop in pyzmq and then use in for
our current frontend/kernel prototype.  That will better show us what
the abstractions and interfaces are.



> Gotta go,
> f
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Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu
ellisonbg at gmail.com

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