[IPython-dev] taskclient clear and hierarchical parallel processing

Satrajit Ghosh satra at mit.edu
Thu May 13 07:46:14 EDT 2010

hi fernando,

> > We don't have a way of doing this currently.  Basically, you should
> > call clear() when you know all clients are done with a set of tasks
> > and you want to free up that memory.
> Mmmh, I now realize that I think I misunderstood Satra earlier today.
> Satra, clear() only flushes *already completed* tasks.  Do you want to
> cancel tasks, or clear completed ones but by id?

clear completed ones but by id. the reason i can't call clear is that i used
the id to get the result. so i would need to know that all clients don't
have any pending results *and* while i'm doing the clearing no pending task
has completed. this seems like a philosopher's chopstick nightmare if not
handled properly through parallel semantics.


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