[IPython-dev] Cutting an 0.10.1 release and an 0.11 'tech preview'?

Brian Granger ellisonbg at gmail.com
Thu May 13 13:31:26 EDT 2010


> now that we've transitioned over to github, we might as well get back
> to the real point of it all, moving ipython forward :)

Sounds great!

> In the bug cleanup I managed to apply a lot of little fixes for 0.10,
> and since that series is really in maintenance-only mode, I don't see
> a reason to delay the release much longer.  I'd like to simply prepare
> an RC for it and leave it out for testing for a few days, if nobody
> complains we push it out.  Any objections?

I think a 0.10 series release totally makes sense.

> For 0.11, we do have a lot of work still to do, but I worry that only
> a handful of people are using it, and without more users we won't see
> both the full scope of the real problems.  The state of 0.11 is not
> ideal from a 'spit and polish' perspective:
> http://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/labels/milestone-0_11

Wow, so nice to have all this on github....

I think we should start to divide these issues into different
categories and prioritize:

* Doc related things - prio-low.  Personally I think that when the
code base is changing a lot and man power is thin, we should wait
until the codebase is stable before we spend a lot of time on the
docs.  Minimally, we should probably just put a huge warning on our
docs that says "these are out of date right now...."

* Anything related to the core interactive shell *code* - prio-critical

* Anything related to parallel computing *code* - prio-medium - unless
it is a fatal bug...
* Other ideas...

> on the other hand I'm starting to think we'll benefit much more from
> putting it out as is, labelling it a 'tech preview' for people who use
> ipython in other projects, embedding it, etc, to start updating to the
> new APIs, checking what we may have missed, etc.  If we delay too long
> we'll just drag on and on...

Yes, we need to get this out...

> I use this version as my daily working IPython and have since after my
> winter blitz, and it's perfectly usable (along with a bunch of little
> nice things).  There are some regressions, but I think there's a net
> win, and only by releasing and getting things moving again will we
> make progress on fixing the regressions...
> Thoughts?

We should definitely push out a tech-preview/alpha soon.  I will try
to work on the issues to clarify what exactly we need to do...



> Cheers,
> f
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Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu
ellisonbg at gmail.com

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