[IPython-dev] [matplotlib-devel] IPython (new) + matplotlib report: happy news

Gökhan Sever gokhansever at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 15:38:55 EDT 2010

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com>wrote:

> >> 2-) Matplotlib gallery might turn to an interactive environment where
> you
> >> can execute the script from right within your browser and change
> parameters
> >> in the same browser window. As far as I know mpl figures can now be
> drawn on
> >> html canvas. This might for sure boost the number of matplotlib
> audience.
> >
> > Is there a sandboxed browser plugin? Or server plugin, depending on
> > where you run the script?
> This would have to be server-side, and code needs to be written.  Part
> of our interest with this explicit separation of ipython kernel and
> clients with a well-defined protocol is to make the above possible.
> But we haven't written any of the code necessary to have a browser
> client, and to serve code read from a sphinx-generated HTML page.
> Gokhan, your patches will be welcome, the infrastructure is now ready
> and waiting for you :)

Sage provides some level of interaction actually without any deployment made
on local side. Try for instance the following example on sagenb.org

from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_gamma(a=(1,(1,10)), loc=(0,(0,10)), scale=(1,(1,10))):
    rv = stats.gamma(a, loc, scale)
    x = np.linspace(-1,20,1000)

This one is very useful for educational and demonstrative purposes. Still
requires a bit Sage syntax manipulations to make things fully interacting on

Nice that you have matured IPython infra for implementing
such interactive functionality. I was thinking perhaps running something on
top GApss Engine but not sure they allow compiling/running C/C++ extensions
on their servers. Alternatively, like in Sage servers virtual OS'es might be
the way to go with it then possibly there will be user registration and
management issues (not sure about all specifics).

Probably, Ondrej might like experiencing with this idea :) Since he has
similar initiatives and asking help on similar topics. I am trying to
graduate myself working to solve some of my research problems and struggling
with writing especially to move on PhD. This might be a very fun Summer job
if I am wandering around jobless then.

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