[IPython-dev] Justin, Satra, everyone: wrapping up 0.10.1?

Satrajit Ghosh satra at mit.edu
Fri Sep 17 20:52:58 EDT 2010

hi fernando,

you can merge the changes from justin's 0.10.1-sge branch. that contains the
sge+lsf support fixes. other than that i think you already have min's taskid
fix for the controller (i.e the clear function now accepts a task id).



On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I just wanted to get a feel for what we have left to get 0.10.1 out
> the door officially. Pretty much 100% of my energy and time on ipython
> has gone towards the 0.11 recent work, but there's a lot of production
> use of 0.10 out there.  Enthought has an EPD release planned in the
> not too distant future, and it would be great to get IPython 0.10.1 in
> there, since EPD is the delivery mechanism for many ipython users on
> Win32 and OSX.
> The big item we had in the wings was the great work Justin, Satra and
> others (forgive me if I'm mis-allocating credit) have been putting in
> to get SGE fully supported for 0.10.1.  Can you remind me of the
> status of that?
> Are there any other ready-to-go last minute fixes?  If you point me to
> the right branches to pull from, I can cut an RC for 0.10.1 for final
> testing, and we'll get ready to ship this in the next couple of weeks.
> Thoughts, etc?  Anything else I forgot? (quite likely, with my
> attention span being worse than my cat's, all the 0.11 work has mostly
> erased 0.10 from my brain...)
> Cheers,
> f
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