[IPython-dev] Off-list for a few days, sorry if I've created any bottlenecks...

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 18:31:24 EDT 2011

I'm also going to be offline for a few days. I think my two pull requests
(ipdir unicode, and pickling interactively defined objects) are working, but
I look forward to reading any comments when I get back.


On 21 April 2011 18:56, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I just wanted to apologize for being off-list this week, I realize a
> bunch of good work is going on and I haven't provided any feedback.
> I'm deep in a massive grant-writing black hole that will only open up
> a little next week.  Sorry for not giving an earlier warning.
> Please don't bottleneck on me: if anything looks good and others have
> reviewed it enough, do move forward.  It's my problem if I'm not
> available :)
> It's also worth saying that we really welcome code reviews,
> discussion, etc, from *anyone*.  The core devs are there to merging,
> but github makes it very easy for anyone to contribute to the process.
>  And for a core dev, finding a good back-and-forth discussion on a
> branch review or bug, makes the final decision much easier, since it's
> possible that all the key issues have already been ironed out by then.
>  So please do jump in, it's a great way to learn the code and help the
> project, so that the limited time of our small core team is even less
> of an issue for moving forward.
> Cheers,
> f
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