[IPython-dev] IPython 0.12.rc1 ready for testing!

Ilan Schnell ischnell at enthought.com
Tue Dec 13 22:43:32 EST 2011

That's great news.  I'll start testing it tomorrow.

- Ilan

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just uploaded our first (and hopefully only) release candidate to
> the download site:
> http://archive.ipython.org/testing/0.12.rc1/
> Please beat on it and let us know of anything that doesn't work.  At
> this point we'll only commit critical bugfixes and
> documentation/example updates (there's a fair bit of those still to
> do).
> If the RC period lingers for long and there's pressure to start moving
> again on master, we'll make a separate branch for 0.12.  But it seems
> after last weekend's blitz we may be able to just develop straight on
> master for the next few days, since thanks to everyone's hard work all
> the stuff that was in flight got landed.
> So have at it, and hopefully before too long we can be confident
> enough of it to call the final 0.12 out!  If possible I'd like to do
> that this coming weekend, but we'll see both how everyone's schedule
> and the RC work out.
> Cheers,
> f
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