[IPython-dev] PySide support for the Qt frontend
Evan Patterson
epatters at enthought.com
Thu Feb 3 14:42:51 EST 2011
On Feb 3, 2011, at 12:49 PM, Brian Granger wrote:
> Evan,
> Good to hear from you. Hope things are going well.
Thanks, Brian. Good to hear from you as well. I'll be working at Enthought for a while, which means that I may do some more work on IPython over the next six months or so.
>> Now that several PySide bugs relevant to IPython have been fixed, my port of IPython's Qt code to PySide is working. (Note that even the most recent PySide beta 5 release will segfault sporadically. This is fixed in the PySide master branch and IPython will work with the upcoming RC 1 release.) My branch is here:
>> https://github.com/epatters/ipython/tree/pyside-support
> This is great!
>> This should be fairly uncontroversial. The only thing I would like to direct attention to is the Qt API switcher:
>> https://github.com/epatters/ipython/blob/pyside-support/IPython/external/qt.py
> This is god to know about. Overall, how ready would you say that
> pyside is? Is Enthought considering shipping pyside in a version of
> EPD soon?
PySide is quickly approaching some kind of stability. It looks like an RC 1 release is coming a week or two, with the 1.0 release not too far after. Although the upcoming EPD release (7.0) will not include PySide, as it is being released on the 8th, the subsequent release (7.1) will. At some point, PySide will replace wx as the default toolkit, although Enthought will continue to ship wx with EPD.
>> I have modeled this on the way that ETS is currently handling switching Qt APIs. Any thoughts on this, however, would be welcome.
>> Also, regarding GitHub etiquette: should I merge with the master branch before I submit my pull request? My branch is now several weeks behind.
> No, your stuff should be pretty independent. We may do a rebase, but
> why won't you do a pull request so everyone can have a look.
> Thanks for doing this!
> Cheers,
> Brian
>> Thanks,
>> Evan
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> --
> Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor of Physics
> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
> bgranger at calpoly.edu
> ellisonbg at gmail.com
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