[IPython-dev] Colours in IPython 0.11 rc1 PPA package

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 14 09:56:59 EDT 2011

On 07/14/2011 02:51 PM, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
> Hi Julian,
> I notice that IPython in the terminal, as installed from your PPA, uses
> the LightBG colours by default on Linux, which makes some bits hard to
> see in the standard dark-background terminal. Looking at the code, it
> looks like get_default_colors() has been tweaked to return 'LightBG' on
> Linux. I'd prefer to have it back to the standard code when you package
> the next version, if that's alright.
> In fact, I quite like some aspects of the theme, like the blue input
> prompts, and I wouldn't mind helping to design a new colour scheme for
> dark backgrounds. But until then, I think the 'Linux' colour scheme
> should stay as the default.
> Thanks again for the packaging,
> Thomas

yes I modified the default color. The main reason is that in terminals
with light backgrounds certain elements, like source code in tracebacks,
are almost unreadable (bright yellow,grey on white) whereas with LightBG
you can still read everything quite well even a dark background terminal.
So I chose the in my opinion the lesser of two evils. Also the debian
default gnome-terminal has a light background (and its what I use too ;) ).

Its hard to please everyone with the default. Ideally there should be
some detection of the terminal background color at runtime.

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