[IPython-dev] ipython_directive broken?

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 15:36:35 EDT 2011

Hi guys,

Sorry, I spent a little while trying to fix this, but started getting
out of my depth.

[mb312 at angela ~/dev_trees/ipython (master)]$ cd docs/sphinxext/
[mb312 at angela ~/dev_trees/ipython/docs/sphinxext (master)]$ ipython
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In [1]: import ipython_directive
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
in <module>()
----> 1 import ipython_directive

/home/mb312/dev_trees/ipython/docs/sphinxext/ipython_directive.py in <module>()
     79 # Our own

     80 from IPython import Config, InteractiveShell
---> 81 from IPython.utils.io import Term
     83 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ImportError: cannot import name Term

In [2]:

I tried replacing ``Term`` with ``IOTerm``, but that didn't get me
far, and I realized that didn't make sense for the code using Term
later in the module.

Any pointers?

Thanks a lot,


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