[IPython-dev] [IPython-User] New favicon

Brian Granger ellisonbg at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 16:40:39 EDT 2011

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 1:34 PM, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy,
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> For the banners, I don't really like the ][: designs of 1 and 3 at
>> all, mainly because they are taking us away from our existing logo.  I
>> like the ][Py] design of 2, but prefer a small amount of space between
>> the ] and [.
>> I also still like our original IP[y]; design equally to 2.  I should
>> note that I am hoping we can come up with a logo/favicon that sticks
>> with the same basic design we already have, but improves it.  I know I
>> sound like a broken record, but I don't think we should get into a
>> full logo redesign at this point.
> The fact that we've gone in exactly opposite directions with our vote
> is then probably a good indication to stay put.  We should only make a
> full change on this if we're all convinced we love the new one.
> Otherwise, staying closer to what we have should win.

Yes, this is why I have been hesitant to get into a more complete
redesign.  The search space increases dramatically and reaching a
final result that everyone likes will be a much more lengthy process.

> I'm OK staying with the current logo too.  Perhaps this has been
> rehashed already (the previous thread had more than I was able to
> digest, forgive me), but why not keep the current one and simply
> change the font to one where the I has serifs?  That seems to be the
> main limitation of the current one to me, as I do like the idea of the
> serifed I matching visually the [].

I do like to "refreshing" of the IP[y]: design that has been done with
the new font and the corresponding banner.  Are other people OK with
this?  I also think changing the colors to match the color scheme we
pick for the website makes sense.



> Just a thought...
> f

Brian E. Granger
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com

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