[IPython-dev] No newapp gui=osx option?

Min RK benjaminrk at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 14:32:25 EDT 2011

the GUI integration is for making IPython work with the eventloop of various GUI toolkits when the basic IPython won't.  Nothing needs to change for the Mac backend to work, so there is no special GUI integration for the mac eventloop.

The pylab flag selects the matplotlib backend *and* the appropriate eventloop integration, which for macosx is None.


On Jun 26, 2011, at 0:41, Erik Tollerud <erik.tollerud at gmail.com> wrote:

> There's some behavior in the newapp configuration system I don't
> entirely understand under Mac OS X.  The "%gui" magic seems to still
> accept the "osx" GUI integration (although it's not in the docstring),
> but it doesn't work in the command line "gui=xxx" option.  On the
> other hand, "pylab=osx" does seem to work.  Some I'm confused as to
> why the "gui" option has no osx choice, but pylab does.
> This may not matter, as the macosx backend it matplotlib seems to work
> fine regardless of the state of the gui magic, but it's a bit
> confusing what exactly the point of the osx option is, in that case.
> -- 
> Erik Tollerud
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