[IPython-dev] [IPython-User] ipython (0.10.1) -wthread and -pylab bug in ubuntu natty

Eric Firing efiring at hawaii.edu
Wed May 25 15:42:28 EDT 2011

On 05/25/2011 08:47 AM, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
> On 25 May 2011 19:41, Paul Ivanov <pivanov314 at gmail.com
> <mailto:pivanov314 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Actually, the above behavior is what I see even if I just launch
>     ipython without -gthread -- it even works in just vanilla python
>     shell, so it must be using the internal matplotlib threading
>     code.
> This matches what I see. Are IPython and matplotlib both trying to do
> clever things with threads, and tripping over each others toes?

No, mpl does not use threads.  Ipython versions <= 0.10.x uses threads 
for gui interaction.  The present development version does not, and is 
considered much more robust as a consequence.


> Thomas

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