[IPython-dev] Website

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Tue May 31 16:37:25 EDT 2011

On 30 May 2011 14:30, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think IPython could probably use a dedicated homepage. At the moment,
> we've got the wiki (http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/) and the documentation
> site (http://ipython.github.com/ipython-doc/), but I envisage something a
> bit more polished as a first port of call. It would probably just have a
> brief description of IPython and a set of links (downloads, documentation,
> development, and so on). I suggest we use github pages to host it at
> ipython.github.org.
> I'll have a shot at this, but I'm not particularly a designer, so if anyone
> else reckons they could do a good job of it, I'm happy to stand aside. Also,
> if there's any particular theme or style we try to maintain that I should
> incorporate, let me know.

This (attached) is what I have at present. The main focus is on the
navigation box, which is supposed to be an easy route in to the main IPython

One thing I'm not sure about is whether to have a 'more links' section at
the bottom, for things like the talks & presentations section, or the list
of projects using IPython. Do we want to promote these from the homepage, or
is a link from the docs front page sufficient? If we do want to promote
them, I think we should make an effort to keep them up to date.

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