[IPython-dev] IPython for Mobile OS

Roberto Colistete Jr. roberto.colistete at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 08:14:08 EST 2011

Em 16-11-2011 10:52, Thomas Kluyver escreveu:
>     I will soon package and submit IPython 0.10.2 for Maemo 4 & 5. IPython
>     0.11 is more difficult to package for Maemo/MeeGo due to its
>     additional
>     dependencies.
> The basic terminal shell shouldn't have any more dependencies, as far 
> as I'm aware. You only need ZMQ etc. if you want to use the Qt console 
> or the parallel computing stuff. If it is feasible to package 0.11, 
> that would be great - it's a significant upgrade from 0.10.x, and I 
> don't think anyone's terribly interested in supporting the old code. 
> We're also hoping to release 0.12 soon, which will further improve on 
> 0.11.

     I have actually suffered to install IPython 0.11 on Ubuntu 10.04 64 
bits due to the ZMQ dependency. But I will later give IPython 0.11 a try 
on MeeGo Harmattan, thanks for the suggestion. But Maemo 4/5 has Python 
2.5 and IPython 0.11 needs at least Python 2.6.
>         I have searched and found that IPython for Android OS doesn't work
>     (there is no libreadline). For iOS there is IPython only jail-breaking
>     it (Cydia) and following some manual installation steps. No
>     IPython for
>     Symbian OS. Am I right ?
> It might be possible to use pyrepl (http://codespeak.net/pyrepl/) to 
> provide a readline-like interface on android, depending on what the 
> terminal there is like.

     Thanks for pointing this possible solution.

> Another possibility, if mobile browsers are sufficiently advanced, is 
> to access IPython in the browser. Pythonanywhere embeds a terminal in 
> a web page: http://www.pythonanywhere.com/try-ipython/ (down at the 
> moment), or there's an in-browser notebook interface coming with 0.12. 
> This is probably the only way round the restrictions for iOS platforms.

     Very interesting this in-browser notebook interface !



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