[IPython-dev] IPython talk in Sheffield

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 20:13:14 EDT 2011

Hey Thomas,

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the talk I gave last night was quite well received - I got quite a
> few questions afterwards, and several people thanked me for coming to speak
> about it. I had time to do brief demos of both the Qt console and the
> notebook. There was particular interest in the notebook, with some of the
> questions centring on "how easy is it to get that set up?" (I described the
> bits necessary, and suggested EPD as a good way in from Windows).
> Twitter user @allegary said "talk on ipython is nice and entertaining -
> liking what they have done with the place #pysheff".
> I've attached the slides in PDF format - much of the content is taken from
> Fernando's slides for Euroscipy.

Excellent slides!  And thanks a lot for making this presentation!
BTW, you should upload the slides over and link them at the
presentations page:


I'm behind on some urgent stuff right now, but on Friday perhaps we
can start the conversation on "how easy is it to get that set up" by
looking at plans to push 0.12 out the door...



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