[IPython-dev] Welcoming Matthias Bussonier (and belatedly, Paul Ivanov) to the core team

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 19:18:57 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I'd like to welcome Matthias (@Carreau), as well as belatedly catch up
with doing the same for Paul (@ivanov), to the core team.  Matthias
and Paul have been regularly very active participants in the project,
consistently producing pull requests that ended up being merged,
closing bugs, etc.  We felt it was time to ask them to join the core

In practice core members and everyone else on IPython really follow
very similar worfklows, since we still use the pull request mechanism
for review of everyone's work, and we almost never commit directly to
the main repo.  This means that *in practice*, not much changes for
core members, other than the ability to merge pull requests that have
been well reviewed.

But we hope that by being a member of the core team, contributors will
be encouraged to participate even further, and to get more involved
with the project not only by contributing their own code (which we
greatly appreciate!), but also by reviewing the pull requests made by
others, participating in design discussions, etc.  We have a small
team, so every new member who brings enthusiasm and energy can really
make a difference.



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