[IPython-dev] Opening Notebooks from the cmd line

Paul Ivanov pivanov314 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 13:23:14 EDT 2012

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Puneeth Chaganti <punchagan at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was looking for comments on the utility of a feature and the
> implementation, before I spent too much time on it.  I would like to be
> able to open a notebook directly from the command line, without showing
> the dashboard.  I couldn't find such a feature possible, and I came up
> with some rough code[1] to do the same.  Would such a feature be useful?
> Would it be better to clean up the code and send it as a PR to get
> comments on it?
> [1] - https://github.com/punchagan/ipython/tree/notebook-files-cmd-args

Hi Puneeth,
this indeed would be useful, and I just filed an enhancement request [1] that
could leverage such a feature and go one step further by running a
specific notebook in
place (ipython can already do that with .py files, so no reason to not be able
to do it with .ipynb files)

This was prompted by a feature request Stefan Krastanov filed [2]
against nbconvert

1. https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/1675
2. https://github.com/ipython/nbconvert/issues/13

Paul Ivanov
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