[IPython-dev] Cell magics and extensions

Hans Meine hans_meine at gmx.net
Mon Aug 27 05:50:18 EDT 2012

Am Freitag, 8. Juni 2012, 10:06:30 schrieb Jason Grout:
> Or maybe IPython can use git submodules to track an "official" list of
> plugins?  I don't know.  Having a contrib directory of sorts opens up a
> can of worms, but it also lends a stamp of authority and permanence to
> what may be rather transient development efforts.

A stamp of authority and permanence comes with a lot of responsibility, too, 
though.  In Mercurial, "stable" extensions are those that... well, turn out to 
be stable after using them for months, discussion issues on the list, version 
updates with adaptations to API changes, etc.

It would mean a lot of work IMO to have a list of "official" third party 
extensions, in terms of testing and maintenance.

Collecting pointers to extensions is a whole diffent thing, and would be 
definitely useful.


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